Thursday, April 24, 2014

Media Critique - Still Image / Print Advertisement 
By: Ali M , Anna V , & Adriana R

1. What is the subject?
The subject was an Armani Exchange advertisement for their clothing and accessories line.  

2. What is the focal point? (Where do you look first?)
The focal point of this advertisement was the bodies of the models. The place we look first in the advertisement is the torso for the males ( their abs , jewellery and having a "perfect tan")  and for the female we look at the bikini area (grabbing the men's belt and bodies are very close together).

3.  What is being said about the subject/focal point?
What was being said about the subject/focal point was anyone that wears Armani Exchange lives a rich and glamours lifestyle. We think this because the palm trees and beach in the background makes it look like they live in a rich place like LA or Miami , and the because they have the image of a perfect body ( muscle/abs , skinny/fit).

4. Describe one element of design that stands out in your advertisement?
One element of design that stands out in our advertisement is space and form. Space is represented in the advertisement because it shows a close up of the models in their positions which is why it is also considered a form.

5. Describe your eye movement. Where does your eye start? Where does it go next?
The eye movement in this photo is vertical because the position of the models. Our eyes would start on the clothes of the models because the clothing is darker than the background. The next focus that our eyes go to is the Armani Exchange logo.  

6. Describe how contrast is used in your advertisement. (Look at things such as text size, colour, font,
straight lines vs. curved lines, big shapes vs. small shapes, light vs. dark, geometric shapes vs.
organic shapes. These types of contrast are located on the models and the background.

 7. Describe how your visual and textual elements are aligned in your advertisement. (Ex., right, left,
centred, top, bottom, diagonal, close, far apart…)
The visual and textual elements in our advertisement are located right and left of the photo and are close. The texture of this photo looks very smooth  the colour of the background is white and the photo looks like the models have a soft glow to them.

8. Describe how repetition is used to create unity in your advertisement.
The repetition was used to create unity in our advertisement is the palm trees and the variety of  models and there "perfect bodies" are bringing this result that people that wear Armani Exchange live a perfect life. The palm trees show that they live somewhere warm and near a beach , and the bodies show that they take care of themselves , also the car that the model on the right is leaning on shows that he has a nice car and is probably wealthy. 

9. What is its apparent purpose? (ex., to inform, persuade, entertain, sell)
The apparent purpose to our advertisement was to sell the products at Armani Exchange, they try and persuade you to but their products by showing attractive and fit body models , and it makes you think if you shop at Armani Exchange I will look as good as those models / get more guys.

10.Who is its target audience? (and how can you tell?)
We this that the target audience for this advertisement was for women and men older than 20. We think this because there are models (20-30) with attractive and fit bodies and this will draw a person in their twenties in more than it would a child at the age of 12 or 13.

11.What feelings and responses did the text evoke for you? (Why did you pick it?)
Why we chose to do a Armani Exchange is to show how they are using beautiful/handsome models for their advertisement rather than any "normal day" people. Armani is trying to prove how people that shop at their store live a rich and glamours lifestyle because 95% of their store is overpriced merchandise (tops , bottoms , jewellery). We really felt that Armani was using beautiful/handsome models to show that if you shop there , you will look as beautiful as the models  but it was because of features added like a photoshoped six-pack and a beautiful beach background. We wanted to prove that Armani Exchange was trying to target people in their twenties to go and buy there product because of the use of the models and the backdrop.